How to Make Refreshing Summer Drinks with Essential Oils

I love summer and it is my favorite season because I was born in July. And what makes summer great is my mom mint syrup drinks, watermelon slices and fresh squeezed lemonade. I am very peaky when it comes to lemonade and I always love and die for fresh squeezed one, maybe I should hold a lemonade contest sometimes!!

Anyway, two days ago I bought a big bag of lemons, sugar, lemon juicer machine then I cut some fresh mint from my backyard, from our survival garden, that’s what I call it since we have all the necessary vegetables to make a good healthy salad. I was about to start the process and rolled up my sleeves to squeeze those lemons, when my mom came into the kitchen and asked me what I am about to do. I was so happy because I knew she would take over but instead she looked at me and said I will have a cup please, Also if you want you can use your essential oils as extra flavoring for it. I was Ohh.. how come I did not think of it then she disappeared upstairs and came back with Lavender, lemon and peppermint vitality essential oils from Young Livings. I was surprised by Lavender and I asked her if she is sure about using Lavender in lemonade! She gave me a smile and took my lemon juice poured it into a bigger glass container about 1 litter added 1/2 cup sugar syrup with one drop lavender oil, two lemon in it and mixed with spoon. I grabbed a cup from the cabinet added some ice and asked for the special lemonade.

I was not sure how it’s going to taste with lavender in it, then it all came together!!! it was amazing! I could taste the lemon, a hint of lavender and sweetness. pretty awesome!! loved it. Then my mom grabbed more lemon juice add peppermint oil and lemon vitality to the mix, Oh my God so refreshing!!! This became our summer evening ritual drink lavender lemonade. It does keep my toddler calmer and happier when I give her some as well. Hope to make some at home and enjoy it with your family.