Peganum Harmala

Harmala is commonly called wild rue, Syrian rue, African rue, Esphand .اسپند, or harmel. ESFAND comes in different blends such as mixed with Kondor (frankincense) used to fight off the "Evil Eye", bad omens, and clear negative energy, and it is commonly used in Persian culture. The addition of Frankincense tears brings protection, purification, and spiritual awareness. The primary method Esphand is used is burning*and requires the appropriate accessories. Such as burning plate that comes in different styles. Traditionally esphand would be burned on light-up charcoal at wedding parties upon bride and groom's entrance, circumcision, return from Mecca, and newborn entrance with the mother to her house.


Growing up in Iran I did not have any ideas about the therapeutic properties of magical sphand. I loved the way it smelled and it was a sign of family gatherings, playtime, and good food with lots of kisses and hugging.

Therapeutic Use of Peganum Harmala:

  • This herb is beneficial in the treatment of asthma.

  • This herb has a narcotic property and it can be used to reduce sleepiness and insomnia.

  • This herb relieves symptoms associated with depression, stress, anxiety disorder, or social anxiety. 

  • Effectively eliminates tapeworm infestations. The alkaloid hermaline, present in the herb shows anthelmintic properties.

  • Helps in reducing sleeplessness and Insomnia, with its narcotic properties.

  • The plant is evidently effective in curing difficult and painful menstruation and helps to regulate menstrual periods.

  • It influences the secretion of breast milk in lactating mothers.

  • Highly effective in the cure of laryngitis or the inflammation of the larynx.

  • A paste of the roots of the plant with mustard oil helps to kill head lice when applied externally.