Cleansing and Blessing your Home and Property Should be Done Every 3 Months

To cleanse your house of harmful spirits, demons, or negative energies, use iodized salt with water. hold your right hand over the salt water, place your left hand on top of the right hand, and envision the White Light of Christ coming from above and flowing through both hands empowering the water as you say, “ I purify, sanctify, and make holy this water and empower it against all evil in the name of the father, the sun, and the holy spirit in the name of Jesus Christ”.

If you have sandalwood incense you may wish to burn it in the center of your house. Have a Bible opened to the 91th Pslam, also placed in the center of the house.

Now open the front door and leave it ajar. Stand inside the door with your back to the door, facing the inside of the house. Walk to your left, moving to the nearest corner to your left. Always keep to the left in every corner of the room, including closets, corners, and fireplaces.

At each corner say these words, “I command all evil and negativity (or you can say demon, devils, and unclean spirits) to leave in the name of the father (throw a pinch of water salt in the upper part of the corner), the son (throw a pinch of salt or sprinkle of water in the upper of the corner), and the Holy Spirit (throw salt water again), and in the name of Jesus Christ”. you will continue to do this in every corner of your house. when you come to another outside door, open it and sprinkle salt water along the threshold saying the same words as you did above.

When you reach your main door again sprinkle the salt water along the threshold issuing the same command. Then close the door and say, “I purify, sanctify, and bless this house in the name of the Father (start making the sign cross on the closed door at this point), the son, and the holy spirit (finish the sign of the cross as you say this). Bless this house in the name of Jesus Christ, and let no evil enter from this day forth.

If your house has additional stories when you come to the stairwell go upstairs and continue going left to every corner until you have blessed that entire story.

If you wish to bless someone else’s home or property you must ask permission to do so. You cleanse your workplace without someone’s permission. You can also ask that a Guardian angel be appointed to your home by saying “ I now ask that a Guardian Angel be appointed for our home from this day forward, in the name of Jesus Christ.”
